Mali 2014-2016
The Orosongo village is located in the rural community of Wadouba, in the Bandiagara region on the Dogon plateau in Mali. The area is severely affected by food scarcity and by a high environmental decay, a situation made yet more serious by a sequence of famines in recent years. From a socio-economical viewpoint it is one of the poorest areas in this country.
The village is inhabited by an extremely destitute population of about 2000 people.
Currently the only available source of water is one well, located outside the village, which however cannot provide the community with enough water to satisfy its needs in terms of agriculture.
The village consists entirely of farmers, carrying on small domestic cattle farms and as little agriculture as the scarcity of rain allows -- 250 to 500 mm per year. This year, as well as the past ones, rain was particularly scarce, thus causing a serious food problem in the village, which worsened the already precarious conditions of the inhabitants. Such a situation leads to the departure of young adults from the village in search of work in the larger cities in the country, with a consequent damage for the local population and the spreading of such diseases as HIV.
We aim at supporting local activities, by alleviating food scarcity, and improving the sanitary and economical conditions of the village Orosongo in Mali. It it also meant as an aid in the struggle against desertification, and as an improvement of the area’s biodiversity through a set of devices.
These are:
The consolidation of an already existing well, along with the excavation of a new one, and an irrigation system so as to provide the population with an access to clear water useful also for agriculture purposes.
The purchase of seeds and plants, aimed at being grown locally, so as to produce food and medications for the community .
Setting up a nursery for plants and seeds intended for conservation and for trading.
Empowerment of local capabilities and training on proper nutrition rules and hygiene.
Such devices, simple as they are, would nonetheless have a strong impact on the site and would improve the life conditions of the local people .
The project is entirely a local undertaking, of which some activities are already being carried on by a spontaneous association of young people. The community is the principal actor of its own development.
Experts involved in the project are almost exclusively local people: technical experts, agronomist, accountant, are all from Bandiagara District.
Local manpower will be assisted only with alimentary contribution aimed to sustain the family behind, as per the „work against food“ philosophy. Development is built with together with concerned people.
The equipment necessary for project implementation is bought locally in order to improve local economy and trade.
At the end of the project a field work will be conducted by a University of Mali and a University of Italy, so as to promote a dialogue and to stimulate an exchanges on how to improve cooperation projects between the south and the north oft he world.
The consolidation of the already existing well is on going. Local community had excavated a 20 meters well. This well has to be deepened (7 meters more) in order to get to a stronger groundwater layer.
Therefore the actions that we are currently undertaking through local community are:
Reinforcing of the existing well
Deepening of the well with 7 meters more
Duration: 3 years Jan 2014 - Dec 2016
The first year is devoted to getting the infrastructures ready, such as the ground meant for cultivation and to the training of local workers. In the second year in addition to a follow up of the project there will be new activities aimed at training and informing the local population. On the third year , after the conclusion of the agricultural works an overall evaluation of the project will be done.
Association Merebara, Bandiagara, Quartier Bellal.
A J R D.V O. Association des Jeunes Ruraux Pour le Développement du Village d’ Orsongo, Village de Orosongo, Commune rurale de Wadouba, Cercle rurale de Bandiagara.
Terre di Incontro Turin/Italy.
MASTER "Educazione alla Pace: Cooperazione Internazionale, Diritti Umani e Politiche dell'Unione Europea" ROMA TRE University.