


comune di venezia

civiltà dell'acqua


arsenale di venezia

venice to expo



Expo to Venice


Arsenale di Venezia tesa 105
30th june - 31th october 2015

With the representatives of Comune di Venezia, Unesco Venice, Civiltà dell'Acqua, Vela group, Through Waters inaugurated the 30th june 2015 VISUALIZING WATER WORLDS in Venice.

We start to expose a first group of selected works of photographers, and with us Paolo Scoppola who installed AquaBoll a interactive video installation realized for Through Waters 2015 in the spaces of the Tesa 105, Arsenale.

Drawing Cloud collects the works of students worldwide and in this occasion we introduced the  contribution of the students of Lycée Chateaubriand Rome.

The event will be open until the 31th October 2015 free entrace and want to aware the relation between man and environment as a dialogue of reciprocity. 

We cannot be separate from water, we are water. This why we bring into this event AquaBoll. We want to promote water intended as an element that supports and holds in all life.

Water surrounds us before we were born, in and out of our bodies every day, we welcomes the deep blue sea. We are water. Observe and become in touch with water its means first of all take care of ourselves, and protect this precious element.

AquaBoll is an interactive video installation developed by Paolo Scoppola for Through Waters.




A big screen welcomes the audience with background music. As soon as someone approaches, AquaBoll start drawing the outlines of the audience, in a continuous overlapping forms. The colors are taken from seawater and alternating with white lines reminiscent of the surf. It 'a continuous floating in colors and shapes that evoke the natural relationship between man and water. The gestures of the spectators are then accompanied by the sound of the waves, the intensity of which depends upon the movements, giving the illusion that these trails of color are precisely the waves of the sea.

The sound, the colors, its unpredictability, its poetry and its reality to live with and protect, WATER.

Water is element of life. Water is matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.
— Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

With the collaboration of UNESCO , Civiltà dell'Acqua, Comune di Venezia and Vela, Through waters will be in Venice, the city of water. We offer to the citizens and visitors the occasion of an interesting journey through art documentaries screening and workshop with children. 

Paolo Scoppola, involved into the TW project of awareness of water value, will present personally his work AquaBoll, an experience that gives the visitors the occasion to be actor into the world of water and feelings.

We are really grateful of all your contribution and if you are in Venice we will be happy to welcome you in this two days journey with us.