Bari, 15th april 2017
My first trip on the road with “Tarantina” focusing and researching meanings and water realities. Human beings that I will meet will be my special goal to discover meanings of water in this part of the mediterranean.
The Water trek will start this spring.
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First step Rome to Bari 15th April 2017.
The street through Abruzzo with the sun on me crossing rivers and Fiume Orta in particular with the amazing smell of flowers reaching the soul and the emotional part of me, gives the sense to go forward. The mountains are still covered by snow , the spring with its colors dancing with the wind.
In Bari we met Enzo Tota and his wife. A little time to speak and put us in contct with their life. Through the words of Enzo I find again the beautiful meaning of what life is, the past the choice of bari for them as home. We spoked about his book curated with Vito Chio, that i promise to my self to read it.
Vinci Verginelli
´Precipitarono in cielo/montagne di nuvole nere, ombre vestite di gelo/ rotolando caddero a schiere.
L'acqua del Tebro cinerea/ guató brontolando fra i ponti: enorme biscia funerea/notturna sguisciante dai monti.
Qual le tue rive t'insozza, / qual le tue pietre rinnega, / o sacro Tevere strozza, / o Tevere, Tevere annega.
Inedited poem 1941-1948 of 'Notti di Capri'.
The Ferry is departing and we must go. Bari is now behind us and the horizon where the sea touches the sky meets the dark of the night on front of us.