Rotte nel Mediterraneo

Routes in the Mediterranean is a project that accompanies me every day, through the images that have unfolded—brushing against realities of life, desires to create, searching and re-searching in the most delicate and invisible perceptions and intuitions, imperceptible to the naked eye. These bring us, today more than ever, to emphasize how deeply human beings are connected through memories, images, words, loves that float through each of our lives—elusive to some, yet essential to others.

And so, water—WATER in all its marvelous and innumerable forms. WATER as the source of life, as so many monasteries in the Mediterranean (and beyond) are called, and before them, temples and fountains where water was gathered to quench thirst. WATER as a necessary yet limited source of life, to be protected and rediscovered within ourselves. Each of us carries our own connection to this vital and wondrous element.

Thus, a bridge is formed—a connection, a crossing of diversities—that I cannot imagine denying, just as I have crossed, as my ancestors did before me. To make our curiosity fluid, to realize beauty without the need to kill or deny. This is the journey, the route to take toward what is other than oneself, toward the beauty that differences can offer us, so that we may rediscover ourselves once again.

Christina Sassayannis

Rotte nel Mediterraneo è un progetto che mi accompagna ogni giorno nelle immagini che si sono succedute, sfiorando relatà di vita, desideri di realizzare cercando di trovare e ricercando nelle più delicate e invisibili ad occhio nudo percezioni e intuizioni che ci portano ancora e ancora oggi più che mai a sottolineare quanto gli esseri umani siano connessi attraverso memorie immagini, parole, amori che fluttuano nella vita di ognuno di noi quasi imprendibili per alcuni e per altri necessari. Così l’acqua, ACQUA con tutte le sue meravigliose e innumerevoli forme. ACQUA come sorgente di vita come molti monasteri del mediterraneo e non solo vengono chiamati e prima di essi templi, fontante dove si raccoglie l’acqua per assetare. ACQUA come neccessaria e limitata sorgente di vita, da proteggere e da riscoprire in noi. Ognuno di noi con la sua connessione con questo elemento coì importante e meravigioso. Dunque si forma un ponte di connessione di attraversamenti di diversità che non posso pensare a non lasciar passare come sono passata anche io, i miei antenati prima di me. Rendere fluida la nostra curiosità e realizzare così il bello senza necessità di uccidere o negare. Cos’ il viaggio, la rotta da prendere verso l’altro da sè verso la bellezza che le differenze possono darci per scoprire ancora una volta noi stessi.

Christina Sassayannis

christina sassayannis

She founded Through Waters project in 2012. In 2015 Through Waters became an no profit Organization based in Geneva and in 2016 she founded the TW headquarter in Rome.

Father greek and mother swiss she lived always in a international ambience traveling through Europe and South America.

Graduated in Literature and Philosophy High School she became Anthropologist and researcher.

In recent years she focused her interest in the relationship between man and environment. She held various ethnographic research in the field on issues ranging from the relationship between culture and environment and gender difference, migration and life histories (Jordan / Greece / Italy / Sudan / Cambodia / India / China). For several years she has deepened her interest on water, studying the impact of climate change and local policies on the use of water resources.

Valuing water culturally and through art, realizing workshops with children and students, means for her creating awareness and sensitivity, with the goal to protect this fundamental element that gives life.

She wants to develop a new way of dialogue and integration through art building consciousness of the beauty of difference and of human beings worldwide.


Ιθακη - Σεβοτα