AQUA 2022/2024
Metti in risalto
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TW Education
We conducted workshops on the islands and in Rome with children, who channeled their boundless creativity into drawings inspired by their imagination and their unique experiences with the sea and water in its countless forms. Through their art, they revealed a world of wonder, inviting us to journey into their thoughts and feelings. Observing the strokes of their imagination as they reflected on water underscores the profound power of creativity to illuminate new perspectives. It celebrates the wonder of introspection, the joy of expression, and the limitless potential to reimagine our relationship with water.
Water, ever-changing and essential, became a source of inspiration, a mirror for their emotions, and a canvas for their dreams. The children’s creations remind us of the intrinsic link between creativity and discovery, urging us to approach the sea and water as spaces for growth, connection, and renewal.
To educate is not to impart knowledge but to create a dialogue—one that transforms all of us.
TW champions this dialogue, fostering mutual growth and shared wonder as we stand before the sea. It invites us to dive into new understandings and embrace uncharted horizons, recognising that water not only sustains life as limited element of life, but also unlocks the depths of our creative and emotional worlds.
AQUA 2023 festival
8 — 10 settembre
Isola di Salina
Malfa / Rinella / Santa Marina di Salina
/ 8 settembre
/ Malfa
h 18:00 / inaugurazione
Sala Polifunzionale Malfa
Consegna della bandiera del Mediterraneo al Sindaco di Malfa
con Progetto MediterraneaAQUA 2023
Mostra Fotografica e Drawing CloudCuntami
proiezione film documentario
di Giovanna Taviani
h 20:00 / opening
Water Panic Garden,
opera di Giorgio GranataAQUA fotografie e racconti,
a cura di Through WatersProiezione storytelling festival AQUA 2022
/ 9 settembre
/ Rinella
h 19.00 inaugurazione
Villetta di Rinella
Consegna della bandiera del Mediterraneo al Sindaco di Leni
con Progetto MediterraneaAQUA 2023
Mostra Fotografica
h 19:30 concerto
piazza provinciale
Lavinia Mancusi
"A cruda voz"
/ 10 settembre
/ Santa Marina di Salina
h 18.30 inaugurazione
Centro Studi Eoliano
Consegna della bandiera del Mediterraneo al Sindaco di Santa Marina di Salina, con Progetto Mediterranea
AQUA 2023
Mostra FotograficaIncontro con
Arturo Vittori
Luca Di Bucchianico
Michele MerendaProiezione storytelling
festival AQUA 2022
AQUA 2022 Festival
21 — 24 April 2022
21 — 24 April 2022
After 10 years from the first exhibit in Beijing in 2012 our journey is now at the VI edition in Salina - Eolian Island evolved into the Festival AQUA 2022 with the participation of Marcela Szurkalo, Almoraima Sound, Archivio delle Memoria and the works selected of the photographers who participated to the call 2022, the drawing of the children around the world Drawing Cloud installation and videoritratti by Myrice Tansini and cartoon by Luca Gizzi made in 2018 with the students of Istituto Comprensivo Lipari, Museo del Mare and Filcudi Worldwide Conservation will be with us too with its experience to transmit.
Thanks to Salina to welcome again Through Waters and its activities.
AQUA 2022 festival / opening
21.04 FABBRICA 11 - Exhibition at 6.30 pm
22.04 Malfa multipurpose room - Show Marcela Szurkalo and Concert Almoraima Sound at 7.30 pm
23.04 Leni Punta Megna - concert and telling water stories 6.30 pm
24. 04 Santa Marina di Salina Centro studi - videoprojection TW videoritratti Myrice Tansini / TW Cartoon / MuMa / Filicudi Worldwide Conservation / Performance Marcela Szurkalo at 6.00 pm
During the festival, there will be Storytelling with the people of the island and the Archive of Memory
Patronage Santa Marina di Salina / Malfa / Leni Partners Archive of Memory / Didime'90 / Factory 11 / MuMa / Filicudi Worldwide Conservation
Dedicated to Marcella Simonelli our friend who left us too soon.
Water as common good and element to discover and love.
TW PHOTO CALL 2022 / Open until 15th march 2022
Please contact us for any further informations you need
Through the watching glass of the camera, the exhibit's aim is to continue to travel across human beings. Dialogue is the ship that allows meetings between people and different cultures. Valorizing water through works of art, exhibits and school involvement we aims to find a dialogue between differences and awareness of the importance of water in all its forms. Water as purification, water as origin, water as contact, water and its relation with human beings.
For the year 2022, after two years of suspension of our events we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the birth of TW with two exhibitions 2022 in the Eolian Islands (Italy).
The landscapes and the population of the Mediterranean Sea will be the protagonists, starting the journey of water that will see TW and its partners creating events that unite different realities of the Mediterranean through art, music and the production of storytelling about our relation with water.
The CALL 2022 sees photographers as protagonists who wish to participate with their photographs in the objective of witnessing the different forms of water from all over the world.
The photos, for a maximum of three, can be sent in preview to TW accompanied by a short biography of the author and a description of the artistic work.
Deadline for sending is December 22, 2021, extended to the 15th march 2022, by email to contact@throughwaters.org. The approximate size of the images for the preselection is 1920x1080 pixels in high quality JPG format.
The photos will be selected and you will be contacted to confirm your participation to be part of the TW archive. Your works will participating in the exhibitions in the Aeolian Islands and at Cairo to continue the journey in the enhancement of water and our relationship with it.
Within 30th January you will be informed of the outcome of the selection.
DEADLINE 22 DECEMBER 2021 / extension until 15th MARCH 2022
Please contact us for any further informations you need contact@throughwaters.org
or calling +39 3200105644
Per festeggiare i 10 anni dalla nascita di TW, dopo due anni di sospensione dei nostri eventi a causa della pandemia, durante l'anno 2022 abbiamo in programma la realizzazione di due mostre: una nelle Isole Eolie (Italia) e l'altra Al Cairo (Egitto).
Saranno protagonisti i paesaggi e la popolazione del Mediterraneo. Attraverso l'arte, la musica, le storie raccontate, i video e i laboratori TW e i suoi partner realizzeranno eventi che uniscono diverse realtà e luoghi del Mediterraneo, dando così inizio al cammino dell'acqua.
La CALL TW 2022 è indirizzata a fotografi e artisti di ogni parte del mondo che con le loro immagini vorranno testimoniare le diverse forme di socialità e natura legate all'acqua.
Le foto, per un massimo di tre, potranno essere inviate in anteprima a TW accompagnate da una breve biografia dell'autore e una descrizione del lavoro artistico.
La deadline dell'invio a mezzo email all'indirizzo contact@throughwaters.org è il 22 dicembre 2021, prorogato al 15 marzo 2022 La dimensione indicativa delle immagini per la preselezione è di 1920x1080 pixel nel formato JPG alta qualità.
Solo successivamente alla selezione vi verranno richiesti i file originali in alta risoluzione, unitamente al modulo di accordo che fisserà i limiti di utilizzo delle immagini da parte di TW.
Le foto saranno valutate e selezionate nel mese di gennaio 2022.
Entro il 30 gennaio sarete contattati per la conferma della vostra partecipazione agli eventi e per diventare parte integrante dell'archivio TW.
Il vostro contributo ci aiuterà a proseguire il nostro viaggio di valorizzazione dell'acqua nel nostro rapporto con essa.
Per qualsiasi informazione potete contattarci all'indirizzo contact@throughwaters.org
o chiamare allo +39 320 0105644
ROME MACRO / 5th December 2019
TALKING WATER: does beauty save the world?
An event to improve the language where emotions are words, thanks to relation with reality.
WATER as an element of life, creativity, expressions. Moreover, water as rights for all, nature, humans and animals in this world. The journey through the language of art as bridge to discover the humanity which acts and through which, we can realize a movement to, a dialogue with the other and protect water and start to act.
“Incolore, inodore, insapore, trasparente. Eppure è fonte di vita e di energia, di bellezza e di benessere, elemento necessario di sopravvivenza, ponte tra luoghi e persone. Le forme che assume, i colori di cui si tinge: campiture piatte, grana sottile, trama di tessuto, infinite sfumature, pennellate, movimento. Rispecchia immagini da prospettive diverse, le frantuma e le mischia. Filtra, riflette, modifica la nostra percezione delle cose e cambia essa stessa continuamente. Riflette e fa riflettere. Mantenendo la sua natura ma continuamente mutevole e sfuggente rispecchia il nostro mondo interiore: inafferrabile e in continuo movimento. È maestra di vita: non trattiene ma stempera e fluisce. “ Marcella Simonelli
free entrance
All what we want to be we have to do it.
Traveling and discovering other realities we can build consciousness of what our life is depending on water, how many thinks we share with the other eater living in different realities. We are living in the same planet, through its elements. Water is our unique and limitate resource for life.
Salina, Eolian Islands, where we approached in 2013 with Salina Doc Fest. Since than we were in Salina every year researching and working with schools and artists. Last year we produced our videoportrait with Myrice Tansini SGUARDI and the first cartoon realized with the schools of Istituto Comprensivo di Lipari 1 and Luca Gizzi, artisti designer that we screen today through our web site and social networks.
Thank you to sustain us and follow us!
Even a drop makes the difference!
An evening dedicate to the people working and living from this amazing and little port.
A project that involve the population of Malfa, Santa Marina di Salina and Leni with the participation of local photographs and artists of Palermo, Messina and Emilia Romagna. The goal is to discovering different realities and languages which valorize the relation of humans and the sea, humans and WATER in the daily life in Borgo Porto di Malfa.
The exhibit in memory of Roberto Rossello.
We can do the difference!
with nessuNettuno and collettivofx
MALFA 22 march - 30th june
Opening 6pm Biblioteca Comunale Malfa
Two exhibits organized in the island of Salina with the works of international photographers and the works realize by the Students of Istituto Comprensivo Lipari 1 and the schools which have participated on TW educational projects worldwide, collected during our work since 2012.
In this occasion the exhibit is welcoming the photographic project of Angelo Cricchi of five rivers representing the daily live of people along the Mekong, Yellow River, Mississipi, Gange and Amazzonas.
Esplorare Acqua
Biblioteca Comunale di Malfa
monday —friday 8.30 am —2.00 pm
thuesday— thursday: 3.30 pm—6.30pm
Profili d’acqua
madeINsalina / Santa Marina Salina
monday—saturday: 11am—6pm
LABORATORIES and realization of video-portrait and one Cartoon “Acqua dolce Acqua salata” with the collaboration of the Secondary School of Istituto Comprensivo di Lipari 1.
AQUA 2017 docked at Salina, continuing the journey that began in Rome on 22th of March for the celebration of the World Water Day. An event that aimed at those who live in the Aeolian Islands, residents and visitors of all ages, with:
A photographic exhibition of artists and screenings of documentaries.
Inauguration 17th September 7pm at the Palazzo Marchetti - Malfa.
Two workshops, Water and Culture and Water and Art, with the use of audiovisual, for students and students of the Comprehensive Institute Lipari 1 of Malfa, will be take place at September 18th and 19th in the morning.
During our staying we realize two video-portrait to people on the island with a significant water experience.
On September 20th from 10 am - 6.30 pm, in the presence of students, their families and islanders, there will be a concluding event with a screening of video art work on water, video interviews on the island and documentaries at the Congress Center Malfa.
In partnership with DIDIME ‘90
AQUA 2017 / ROME
WORLD WATER DAY 2017 22 March Palazzo dei Dioscuri / CONFERENCE
WATER SOCIETY and LIFE - international conference
Experts presenting different approaches and realities of works related to water to enhance the value of the element water to preserve and protect.
Relators: Grammenos Mastroieni, Arturo Vittori - Warka Water, Francesca Santagata, Camila Kuncar, Enrico Dini, Lucilla Rami Ceci, Alessandra Narciso, Davide Carrera.
SAN LORENZO ROME - EXHIBIT AQUA 2017 / 24th march - 8 april 2017
The exhibit that follows present different perceives of water meanings in our life through art representing the fundamental way to became in contact with different perceives of water, to discover and build our consciousness and the way for a change.
Experts and artists are participating on Through Waters AQUA 2017 with their works, starting a research to enhance the meaning of water in its different forms in relation with human beings. 22nd of March WATER SOCIETY AND LIFE International Conference at Palazzo dei Dioscuri. Experts present different approaches and realities of works related to water.
The exhibit AQUA 2017 will follow at RUFA and SPAZIO CERERE, presenting different perceives of water meanings in art.
The expressions of paintings of Pietro Ruffo, Pierre-Yves Le Duc, Alberto di Fabio, Cristiano Alviti, Filippo De Luca, and other works of important artists, with the collection of Through Waters photographs and Drawing Cloud installation, enhance the value of water.
Art represent the fundamental way to became in contact with different perceives of water, to discover and build our consciousness and the way for a change.
free entrance
15th September 2016 at Salina Eolian Island our second edition of Water & Mediterranean
10.00 am Palazzo Marchetti / Malfa
With the participation Franco La Cecla and Lucilla Rami Ceci, anthropologists and researchers of the meaning of water and its value today.
Screening of the Documentary In Other Sea / Italian language version directed by Franco La Cecla.
OPENING 4.30 pm
An interdisciplinary meeting with two anthropologists of different approaches realizing a dialogue through their works in Sicily, Jordan and Sardegna Island. The conference will be a journey of experience were water and human being became in contact in Salina realizing a dialogue through which we became more consciousness of how WATER is precious, not only as a primary resource but as fundamental element of culture and knowledge.
6 pm SCREENING OF THE DOCUMENTARY “IN ALTRO MARE” produced by A.S.I.A. with the collaboration of Cineteca del Comune di Bologna.
free entrance
TW EDU 2016 / ROME
ROME 22th - 24th June / Exhibit Drawing Cloud
The exhibit of works done by the students of the French School in Rome will be expose during la JOURNÉE VERTE organized in the school.
TW Edu 2016 met Primary Class of Lycée Chateaubriand Rome. We achieved to realize with the students of CE2B through the workshops with experts in anthropology and ecology.
The students traveled with enthusiasm through new horizons of water realities. Knowledge and experience bring kids the opportunity to open up to diversity with curiosity.
30 and 31 th march
h 11:00
We were welcomed by the Consulate of Italian Embassy and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Barcelona for the exhibit dedicated to WATER in occasion of the WORLD WATER DAY 2016
18th march / 10 am Workshop and screening of the documentary THE WELL - water voices from Ethiopia production of Esplorare la Metropoli / Casa degli Italiani with the students of Liceo AMALDI.
22th march WORLD WATER DAY 2016 / 6 pm Opening Exhibit THE WAYS OF WATER
30-31th march / 11 am Organized visit for the students of Liceo AMALDI.
22 march - 1 april 2016
Istituto italiano di Cultura / Barcelona - Spain
IX encuentro y muestra artística internacional THROUGH WATERS
Free entrance
El tema central del evento es el AGUA, fuente de vida para cada ser viviente, además elemento de comunicación entre culturas diferentes, y de la diversidad.
El objetivo es sensibilizar y crear conciencia de lo que este elemento representa para nosotros y para nuestra realidad.
El AGUA no sólo como un bien común y un recurso limitado, sino también como un idioma y tema de la inspiración artística.
En este viaje comenzó desde China en el año 2012, a través de Asia hasta llegar a tierras europeas, estamos valorando el agua como transportador de ideas y la representación de muchas realidades diferentes, tratando de formular un lenguaje donde la relación entre las categorías que utilizamos para el pensamiento puede ser determinado por el sentido común de la curiosidad y el acercamiento entre las diferencias.
A través del trabajo y la mirada de los artistas, la imagen fotográfica, documentales, y diseño de los niños y estudiantes, las instalaciones de videoarte y la poesia, los conciertos y convenciones multidisciplinarias, THROUGH WATERS busca darle más valor a la gran potencialidad de este proyecto: unir todas las energías en un solo elemento, como un vórtice, donde las fuerzas se derivan de las sinergias y de compartir, para sensibilizar, valorizar y crear un nuevo lenguaje para representar y para contar sobre el AGUA.
En Barcelona, sobre el tema del agua, expondremos obras fotográficas y pinturas de artistas italianos e internacionales, vendrán proyectados dos documentales realizados por directores italianos: “THE WELL” y “CRY SEA” y presentada la instalación Drawing Cloud, compuesta de mas de 200 diseños de niños de todo el mundo.
El 18 de marzo a las 11 a.m. se proyectará el documental " THE WELL – water voices from Ethiopia” de Esplorare la Metropoli, con la presencia del Liceo Amaldi en la Casa De Los Italianos, después de la proyección seguirá el debate.
Stefano Nicoletti Cónsul General de Italia en Barcellona
Roberta Ferrazza Diretora del Instituto de Cultura italiano en Barcelona
Christina Sassayannis Responsable y curador proyecto international TW ART & EDU
Stefano Minutillo Turtur Organizador y curador TW Barcelona
Paolo Altieri Art director TW
artistas / Simona Peci - Francesca Casciarri / Calias - Eirik Linder Aspelund / Calias - Diana Bagnoli / Melanie Capuano / Cristina Clerici / Binh Dang / Pimpin Nagawan / Ampanneh Satoh / Susetta Bozzi / Silvia Pagano / Giovanna De Riso
Docummentales de
Paolo Barberi e Riccardo Russo (The Well)
Luca Cusani e Kafi Muhamud (Cry Sea)
Venice to Expo 30 june - 31 october
The art exhibition created by THROUGH WATERS with the interactive installation AquaBoll of Paolo Scoppola, the photographic collection, the collection of the documentaries, the installation Drawing Cloud, the workshops in schools compose the artistic and interdisciplinary platform where dialogue aims to bring visitors to be actors and to discover with curiosity worlds and different realities where water is the main element of communion.
Comune di Venezia, Unesco Venice, Civiltà dell'Acqua, Through Waters wants to give to Venice through this exhibition a different and suggestive way to explore water and its forms.
VENICE ARSENALE TESA 105 - 24-25 october 2015
A Journey through Art, Drawings and Documentaries
TW invite Paolo Scoppola artist of AquaBoll interactive video installation. He present his work personally with the aim to aware water through art.
Drawing Cloud workshop with children. A laboratory with the theme "water and relation with human beings, a resource to protect and discover".
Screening of Documentaries.
free entrance
9th october 2015
Salina - Eolian Island
Interdisciplinary meeting
Dialogue on the socio-cultural value of water today
the need for a change
organized by
Salina - Eolian Island 9th october 2015
Interdisciplinary meeting
Dialogue on the socio-cultural value of water today
the need for a change
with the collaboration of DIDIME90
8.30 am Workshop with the local primary and secondary school.
10.30 am Conference with international and local experts.
3.30 pm Screening of the documentary THE WELL water voices from Ethiopia.
free entrance
The Exhibit WATER & HUMANKIND is extended until September 2015 in the spaces of CIDIC Cultural Center Tianjin.
We are exposing our collection of photographers which improve the value of water through art. The shoots wants to let the visitors exploring the different cultures and different feelings that water can transmits to us. This Exhibition is the occasion to aware water through art and will take us to a journey through knowledge and beauty.
free entrance
TDW Tianjin International Design Week / 2015
TIANJIN 22-27 may 2015 / Italian District
Memories and Dreams is the title of the event where Through Waters will take part this year in China. The exhibition valorize the subject of water through photography of international and local artists and the work realized by students in Rome, Beijing, Tianjin.
ART & WATER will be the focus of our attention in this event to support the objective of raising awareness of environmental issues and promote art and our intervention worldwide.
MILAN 14th January 2015 / Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
We present our project and activities during the International Conference Water and Development organized by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Politecnico di Milano and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca on the complex relationship between water and development. Renowned experts and scholars will convene in the framework of the initiatives for the World Water Day to discuss the most urgent topics related to world water resources and use, including demographic trends, energy development and needs,water-energy nexus, climate change and water geo-strategic challenges.
This project is sponsored by OPM Tavola Valdese / Fondazione BNL / 5 per mille RCMA Onlus. RCMA with the collaboration of Through Waters realized the project to bring safety water to the community of Orosongo with local entities and people. You can monitoring the project through www.rcma.it.
ROME 17th may 2014 / Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per l'Acqua
During this manifestation in Rome starting at Piazza della Repubblica in Rome presenting and to sustaining WATER as a public and a common good and resource.